AC Port Watts usage

Is it normal for the display to show 8.5-9 Watts of usage when I turn on my AC output with nothing plugged in? When I turn on the 12v outputs or USB outputs with nothing plugged in, the display shows 0 Watts of usage.


  • Ely
    Ely Member Posts: 43 ✭✭

    The inverter needs some power to convert DC to AC and provide AC. The USB and 12 volt regulated outputs are DC to DC. They needs a very little power, less than 1 watt if nothing connected.

    To convert the native battery voltage to USB or 12 volts and something plugged in, there is a loss during convert the battery voltage to the output voltage.

    If possible always use DC. It‘s more efficient. At AC you convert from DC to AC and the plugged device (it‘s power supply) convert AC back to DC. It means, it’s more efficient to charge your laptop direct with USB-C and not with the power supply.

  • muzicman0
    muzicman0 Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

    I have this same issue. Is there no way to stop the conversion if there is no load?

  • Ely
    Ely Member Posts: 43 ✭✭

    No way to stop this. It's physics. The only way to stop this is switching off the AC if not in use.