What light do you use more?

What light do you use more? 5 votes
Torch 500
Torch 500 for the win! Lights up the studio and creates an ambient vibe.
Crush Light Chroma
Gotta go with crush lights if you got a family, kids can be entertained at the same time and its still usable when they decide they want to throw it across the room for no reason!
Crush Light Chroma
I love that these little guys flatten to almost nothing and are super light weight - great for taking on any kind of trip and I keep they charged by putting on the window sill once a month. I've found they are great for emergencies or any kind of small ad hoc lighting needs.
Torch 500
I just purchased the Lighthouse 600 and I previously had the Torch 250.
I used the Torch 250 as a flashlight occasionally but I used is as an area light more often. Now that I have the Lighthouse 600, I don't expect to use the Torch 250 as an area light much, but maybe.