Sudden Drop in SOC on Yeti Pro 4000

NathanPegram Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

I have only had this unit for a few days but have already been using it in my van. I updated the firmware the day I set it up to the latest 1.5.8. The state of charge dropped rapidly despite there not being significant load on the system to account for the drop. The only thing running was a small fridge with an intermittent 50W load. It was as ~70% when I left the van at 10am Wednesday but when I came back at 3am Thursday it was at the 15% threshold and had turned off the outputs. See screenshots of energy history below that show a sudden drop in SOC around 2pm but with no significant load.

After finding it like this, I plugged it in to AC to charge and it has been working fine in the 12 hours or so since then. Has anyone else seen sudden drops in SOC like this? Is this unit possible defective or damaged?

I have the escape drivable kit, but my setup is currently just using AC input with intermittent availability, DC output via the power pole output and AC output via a single 5-15 on the front. I do have the screen setup.


  • NathanPegram
    NathanPegram Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

    Additional note for clarity after reading my comment above: the drop in percentage didn't happen right after the firmware update. It was days later.

  • scottnichol67
    scottnichol67 Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

    I also just received my Yeti Pro 4000 a few days ago. I did an initial charge to 100% from the 400W Nomad panels and then decided to take it for a spin. I plan to us it in my home as a backup for power failures. So I wheeled it into my laundry room and let it run a washer/dryer cycle (dryer is gas, so not a 240V appliance).

    First load went fine and SOC dropped to 88%. Next day I did the same, washer cycle finished fine, though I didn't notice the SOC when it was done. I tossed the clothes in the dryer and started it up, then after 15 mins or so got warnings on my phone that SOC was down to 10%.

    Dryer was pulling 175-200W and I saw the washer pulling 600+W while on the final spin.

    App shows I only used 885Wh, so not sure how we ended up at 10% SOC. Did you get a resolution to your issue, Nathan? Or did it resolve itself after some charge/discharge cycles?

  • scottnichol67
    scottnichol67 Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

    I guess I will follow up with my own experience. After recharging from my 10% SOC back to 90%, I was able to do 2 washer/dryer cycles again without the sudden drop in SOC. After two wash/dry cycles the unit was stable at 66% SOC, so maybe it's just the first time charging from the factory that affected that?

    Will continue testing…

  • junior
    junior Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

    I kind of had a similar experience with a new unit. I was only running lights and a fan for a couple days and then it sat at rest after that and I saw mine on the factory charge drop from 87% to less than 5%. After charging it myself, it seems to not have the same issue again? Strange, for sure.