Why is the Yeti Pro 4000 AC Output unexpectedly shutting off?

I have a Yeti Pro 4000 and I've noticed that after a 1-3 days operation the AC output port shuts off for no apparent reason. Is this a known issue? I can turn the port back on via the app, but I get no notification that it's been turned off. So, I must continually monitor through the app or by looking at the front panel.
Note: If I had IFTTT and/or smarthome app access through an API I could probably engineer a notification, or perhaps even automatically turn the port back on. However, I see other comments indicating that the 4000 Pro API is not yet published.
I'm having the exact same issue with my Yeti Pro 4000 as well. I've been getting 3-4 days before the AC output port shuts off for no reason at all. Hoping there's a solid solve in the works so I can reliability use my yeti pro 4000 with my Haven 10 switch in the future. I currently don't feel comfortable using the system until it gets fixed.
@jtrull, it's good to have confirmation. I hope they work on a solution. I hear firmware v1.7.6 will soon be available; I am on v1.5.8. Perhaps the update will have an impact on this.
@dcuyler - Unfortunately, I'm running firmware 1.7.6 (newest up to date). I'm testing a few circuits that non-essential to have on the Yeti — I'll report back if I get another AC port shut off.
I haven't found any documentation that states how long the inverter will power the output ports (assuming the battery can support the load). This would be helpful.
Also, firmware 1.7.6 is shown as "recalled" and firmware 1.7.7 is listed as available as of 16 Dec 2024 on the GZ GitHub wiki -
I bought a few of these as power backup for my home in case of an outage when I’m away. I noticed the AC button shuts off after 3-4 days for no reason as well. My internet will go out and my refrigerator stops working as it’s meant back up those circuits. This is has been very unreliable. I ran the 1.7.7 update and it still doesn’t stay on for more than a few days. The reason I bought them was that it claims to auto-switch to back up power when there’s an outage. However, it doesn’t work as inteneded since the AC shuts off on its own for some reason making this feature almost useless. You have to manually turn on the AC button (defeating the whole auto-switch feature) because chances are during an outage this button won’t be ON to output the power. I really hope they fix this faulty shutoff of the AC button issue.
I just had the issue happen for the first time. My 4000 is a couple months old, running 1.7.7 firmware. Unit had AC input power applied, and AC output turned on with load at only about 20 watts. AC output turned off spuriously sometime after it had been on for 24 hours or so. No notification, no loss of AC input power, SOC at about 84%. I will have to call Goal Zero and see if they appear to be focused on fixing this problem.
I just got off the phone with Goal Zero tech support. They had me disconnect all inputs and outputs and then do a factory reset. They said to call them back if it happens again….One thing the tech told me is to not let the room temperature get below about 40F, as "issues" can happen when you get near 32F. I have mine in a location that can get as low as 40F, but not lower, and the tech said that is ok….After the factory reset, I returned the settings I have that are non-default to the values I want to use (charge profile to "battery saver", max AC input current to 10 amps, redid network paring). If the problem happens again I'll call Goal Zero back and post to this thread again.
Thank you @wmcneil, I recently had the same issue and just restarted the system and enabled the AC ports after reboot. That said, I haven't had the time to diagnose the cause. Honestly, I was more concerned about the unit overheating and never figured temps close to 40F would cause a problem. That said, I live in Santa Barbara, CA, and highly doubt the temp was anywhere close to 40 Degrees when this issue occurred. I guess this will remain a mystery for now. Unfortunately, I've been using the 4000 Pro + 2x 4000 Tanks as a GIANT UPS for my home network, but with all these reliability issues, I've had to revert back to grid power (which is also not reliable, but at least turns back on after power is restored). It seems to me that Goal Zero launched this product without doing thorough testing, lot of bugs, and with limited documentation for troubleshooting. I hope they will continue to work on improving the firmware, in addition to providing API access to the device. The mobile app is seriously lacking, so it would be great if they could provide a web browser admin console at a minimum. In the meantime, I guess I will wait and hope for the best. Thanks again for your feedback.
Update on this. A while back I successfully upgraded to firmware v1.7.7 (there's a story there, but not my point). The 4000 has been running on this FW for a while, but it still exhibits the same symptom of shutting off the AC output after 1-3 days. Room temp is around 70F. Still looking for a solution. It is on an automatic transfer switch with priority for the shore power, so it acts as backup power for a large freezer. I can turn the output port back on via the app, but I need to keep checking it if I'm away.
Thanks NiekoB and dcuyler for the updates. This issue definitely renders the 4000 unusable for many applications. Given that there is currently no notification when it occurs, there is not even any possible workaround. I expect it will happen again, and when it does I will press Goal Zero about their commitment to fixing the issue.
mine just did it today. Was running for over a week. No warnings or errors. It’s on pass through (aps) and then my fridge was off. Goal zero can you address this please and respond here?
My 4000 turned off the AC output sometime during the night last night. So somewhere in the range of 12-18 hours after the factory reset. In addition to spuriously turning off the AC output, it also spuriously turned on the DC output.
I just got off the phone with Goal Zero customer support. The person initially tried to get me to try one or more of the other resets. When I pushed back and pointed out that 1) That is unlikely to do anything since I did a Factory Reset yesterday and 2) Multiple users are reporting the problem in these forums, the rep told me they would put me on hold and ask if engineering was aware of the problem. When the rep came back from hold, they informed me that some of the other reps had heard of the issue, but that doesn't mean that engineering is aware of it. The rep told me to send an email describing the problem using the app help/email interface, and that since my 4000 is cloud connected there was the possibility engineering could monitor it remotely.
I am quite concerned that the rep did not seem aware of the problem having been reported here by many users. I am also concerned that the rep did not seem to have a sense of urgency about this show stopper level problem that I had called about. I strongly encourage each and every person that is experiencing this problem to report it using the app help/email interface, and to follow up with a call to Goal Zero customer support (in the app, help/call). I do think that there is a decent chance Goal Zero will fix this, IF everyone that is experiencing it sends an email and calls.
Update, I got a (very prompt) email back from Goal Zero customer support in response to my emailed problem report. The email stated that my problem report and a pointer to this thread had been forwarded on to engineering, "so they are aware of the more widespread nature of the issue." This is encouraging.
I got feedback from Goal Zero to try disconnecting the (Escape) remote display. I disconnected the RJ45 cable from the data port on the Power/Data adapter, and it has been 48 hours now without the 4000 turning off the AC output. We'll see if the problem does not occur in the next few days.
I likewise contacted GZ support, continuing a thread I've had with them since I first started seeing this issue. I got a similar response that engineering has been notified, and they would check out this thread. We'll see what happens.
My Yeti Pro 4000 is exhibiting the same behavior: shutting off the AC output occasionally. I've seen it happen after 3 days and sometimes after a week. This is running on firmware 1.77. I was using it to power a Haven 10 transfer panel but at this point I can't risk using it to back up any of my appliances. I hope GoalZero can fix this soon.
I let Goal Zero customer support know that with the remote display disconnected, 5 days have passed without the 4000 turning off the AC output on its own. They responded back with the following: "
"Our engineers have logged this as an official bug and are working on getting it added to a firmware update. Until then, it is up to you whether you would like to reconnect your display, you would just need to keep an eye on the AC port."
My setup does not include the remote display. Continues to shut off AC output every few days. Monitoring via app works as long as our wifi is operational. We had a widespread half+ day power outage last week and lost wifi. If that happened while we were away, we could lose our freezer.
Good to know - so clearly there are multiple scenarios where the problem is occurring. I see from your previous posts you have communicated your scenario to Goal Zero. Have they communicated back to you and confirmed that they have logged the scenario you are experiencing as an official bug?
I'm having this issue also. It makes it unusable as an APS because every few days it turns off my refrigerator, furnace, Internet, and my home alarm. I'm running on 1.7.7. When it turns off, it is not charging, it is just passing through AC to AC. The load is modest. There are no notifications. We need comments from Goal Zero engineering.
Anyone who is experiencing this problem should contact GZ support. Engineering needs to know it's not an isolated issue.
I reported it and at this point I have only heard that they're "working on it."
My new (1 week) 4000 AC outputs just shut down while in pass thru as well. I had a freezer plugged in with no other loads. Tried the reset and am waiting to see what happens. I have the most current firmware. I had a similar problem with my 3000X.
I ran an AC output test and have the same problem. I reported it to GZ today via the app. I have a Yeti PRO 4000, FW v1.7.7, connected to a Haven 10 transfer switch. Four days ago I turned on the 4000 unit and the AC output that powers my Haven 10 switch. I didn’t try to power anything; it was just on. I checked today and the AC output had turned off by itself. No notifications, no reason why. This is unreliable for APS and home backup! I’m glad I didn’t try to do a real-world test the week before when I was away for four days because I would have put an actual load on it to pass through - the furnace, refrigerator, and Internet (&Wifi) - and it all could have been shut down before I returned home! That’s a Yeti outage, not a grid outage!