Smallest Station to Power a CPAP for 8 hours

ZeroTime Member Posts: 3 ✭✭


I have sleep apnia and need to use a CPAP machine to sleep every night. What is the smallest power station I'd need to power my CPAP for 8 continuous hours? It uses 120 V wall power.


Best Answers

  • TJ_CO
    TJ_CO Member Posts: 3 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I also use a CPAP and when I go to my cabin a Yeti400 will get me through the night. Their Yeti500 should give you a bit of extra time if you need it.

  • TJ_CO
    TJ_CO Member Posts: 3 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Update: I just looked at the the amperage of your CPAP and it could draw a lot more watts (250) than my old one or the watts (65) listed in the Yeti "run times" table does. I'm sure some of it is heating the water in the humidifier if you have that turned on. I just received my Yeti1000 and will be going to my cabin this week with my new CPAP which is similar to yours. I'll let you know how much of it is used up overnight.
