Can I use more watts of input power than my device is rated for?

GOAL ZERO ADMIN Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 735 admin
edited July 2023 in FAQs

Yes! As long as the input source is within the acceptable Voltage range, all Goal Zero Power StationsPower Banks, and Lights will only use the watts they need. This means you can connect a Boulder 100 to the 8mm input port of a Sherpa 100AC and the Sherpa will only take in up to its max input of 50W. You could also connect four Ranger 300 panels together (1200W) with our HPP to HPP combiner into to the HPP input of a Yeti 3000X and the Yeti will take up to its max of 600W.

Think of a device's input Max Watt rating as its peak charging speed instead of a dangerous limit you should not cross.

Having extra input power won't damage your device. In fact, having more watts of solar charging than your device is rated for will allow your device to keep charging when sunlight is less powerful in the morning and evening and during hazy or slightly cloudy skies as output power of the panels is reduced. Having some buffer solar power ensures your device will continue to charge at its best rate for as much of the day as possible so you can stay off grid longer.

( Bonus: Adding the MPPT expansion module to compatible Yeti Power Stations will allow an additional charge path to the Yeti's Lithium battery with a separate max for its input ports. This means you could charge up to an additional 300W through this module and up to 600W into the Yeti's HPP port for a combined total of 900W of utilized input power )