Use a Yeti for Power Out Home Security Home Base Device Restart When WiFI is available

Sundial Member Posts: 1
edited June 2023 in ASK ANYTHING

Vacation senario:

Can I:

  1.  Plug in a home security base station to a Yeti 400 plug port.
  2. Then turn on the plug port to to that very low current draw device (the home security base station) and keep it turned on while I'm away.
  3. If the power goes out (anytime in a roughly 2-3 week window, the GoalZero keeps the base station powered until the house power/Wi-Fi comes back on.
  4. And the previous plug port stays on so the base station is still powered and ready for the next power failure (hey, I live in New Orleans, operating reality here. :^).

Key here is that you can leave the base station 110 V port powered on as long as the Goal Zero is getting AC, and that if the AC quits, that power port will stay on (internally) powering the Base Station until 1. the power comes back on and it restarts per 4 above or 2. the Goal Zero finally runs out.

Great technology!

Please tell me that it supports the above scenario!

