Home Integration Kit and AFCI (CAFCI) Circuit Breaker Connection

Great day all. I have a Yeti 3000X and home integration kit, tied to the grid. everything works nice. my issue is that I have CAFCI Circuit breakers in my main panel due to NEC electrical codes. Out of the 4 Circuits from the transfer Switch, one of the powers a circuit that is on a CAFCI breaker, everything works till I switch power from the Grid to the Generator. breakers in the HIK stay on and power is still going to that CAFCI Circuit, when I then select line I have to reset that one tripped CAFCI Breaker. short and simple, the CAFCI has a Neutral that goes from the breaker itself to the Neutral Bar on the main panel. My Guess is that the breaker does not like the mismatch impedance created by the transfer switch. the Circuit breaker does not trip while power is being supplied from the grid, changed CAFCI breaker to test and still the same, nothing plugged in to that circuit. anyone have this issue? I know I can just swap out the breaker and put in a regular one.
Have you tried matching the CAFCI breaker by installing the same model in the "Home Integration Breaker box"? It may fit. I believe that if you want get the benefit, you have to have a matching one in the 4 switch change over box as well. (NOTE) I'm not an electrician! I just asked an electrician for my install.
Yes, that is what I just did, ran the Neutrals to my home Neutral Bar from the HIK and installed the CAFCI Breaker in the HIK. no issues and circuit is protected.