Yeti roll cart and connecting power bank

fshort Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

Hi, I just got my new Yeti 3000x which came attached to the roll cart. I put the yeti link module onto the unit to connect it to my power banks and the yeti link connection for the power bank cord is on the back. When I try to connect the power bank cable, the horizontal bar for the roll cart is in the way. Are you supposed to remove the roll cart in order to use the Yeti 3000 with the power bank batteries?




    GOAL ZERO ADMIN Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 735 admin

    Hi @fshort,

    Could you send a picture of what you are experiencing. I just tried this on our Yeti 3000X and it plugged in with no issue.

    Most people do remove the roll cart from the Yeti so they can stack it on top of the tanks. This is normal practice but I would expect it would not need to be necessary.