Can I chain my Boulders?

To chain two or three Boulder 50 Solar Panels together, plug the blue ringed 8mm connector from one panel into the input connector or input port of the next panel, using the charging cable from the final panel to connect to your Goal Zero Yeti or Sherpa. If you’re chaining more than three Boulder 50 Solar Panels together, or any configuration over 150W, you will need to purchase the 8mm to APP combiner cable. When chaining the Boulder 100 or Boulder 100 Briefcase panels you will need to purchase the 4x 8mm to APP combiner Cable
To chain multiple Boulder 200 Briefcase Solar Panels together with APP connections, you’ll need to purchase the 4x Anderson Combiner Cable (SKU 98061) from Goal Zero.
If you are doing this and want to plug it into a Yeti, you will need one more cable--the 8 MM connector.
Can this be done with only one charge controller? I am wanting to link 3 Boulder 200’s into a 3000x and don’t want to order 3 controllers. My common sense says I only need one but my common sense has failed me before! 😂🙄
The Yeti 3000X already has a charge controller built in. So you would not need to add a charge controller with those panels. The cables you will need are the 4x HPP combiner and a HPP extension cable for each panel.