Running a sump pump from a battery system
I have an odd situation. About once every 3 to 5 years I have a basement flood due to an extremely high tide. The water comes in at a high rate (>150 gpm) for a short time (not longer than an hour). Sump pumps that can handle this situation are available at a reasonable price. Since it is possible that this situation could be accompanied by a power outage and/or we might not be home, we want a solution that is turnkey and automated. I am intrigued with the possibility of using a solar/battery combination as part of the solution. Does anyone have comparable experience to share. Good idea? Not a good idea?
Hi @patc,
Our batteries are not automated but we do have people that run sub-pumps off them. As long as the pump does not exceed the output limit (which depends on the Yeti power station you own) it will work.
I have a similar situation. How did your solution work? I'm running a 3/4 HP pump which requires 3000 watts to start and then 2000 to run. Will the Goal Zero units provide that level of power?
The Yeti 1500X, 3000X and 6000X all have the same inverter specs. They have a 3,500 watt surge and can output 2,000 watts continuously.