Yeti Link Integration Kit

LCM Member Posts: 2 ✭✭
edited March 2023 in ASK ANYTHING

Can the Link vehicle integration kit be used with the auxiliary battery located under the passenger's seat of a 2006 Sprinter? This battery was used to power a 1500W inverter when needed for use when the vehicle was turned off. I've removed the inverter. The main truck battery is located under the hood and the 12' power cord is not long enough to reach to that location. It would be preferred to use the battery located under seat if possible.



    GOAL ZERO ADMIN Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 735 admin

    Hi @LCM,

    Is the auxiliary battery connected to the inverter now?

    The vehicle Integration kit is meant to be used with the vehicle battery since the alternator is connected to it. This will allow the alternator to charge the Yeti while the vehicle is running.

    If you connect it to a battery that is not connected to the alternator, then you are using that battery as a tank and will still work, just not the same way as mentioned above.