What devices are the most important to you to power during an outage?

What devices are the most important to you to power during an outage? 15 votes
The four circuits on my transfer panel are the following:
Microwave (quick food prep as opposed to the stove)
Garage (opener plus lights low in house)
2nd floor lights and plugs
This way I know I can get around without it being too dark, save the cold foods, plus do some quick food prep. I debated about the stove, but that takes longer. I can switch the fridge off for a few minutes while heating food.
Looking for a system that will power a Carrier 5 ton AC/Heat unit during the blackouts expected in the southwest this summer. We have a full rooftop solar array, but are tied into the grid for another 10 years. Don't expect to need backup for more than a few hours at a time, but you never know.
Why is AC or heater not on the list? I would think when weather is at its worst is a time the power goes out. I am in Palm Springs CA and it can hit 120 degrees here in the summer an AC is a must have. I would bet some states that have major snow storms and power outages would put heater high on the list.