Whole House

Moneycoach21 Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

Is it possible to run the whole home on a Goal Zero? I am looking for a house backup system and would love to use a Goal Zero. Thank you

Best Answer

  • Esoteric
    Esoteric Member Posts: 1 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Where I live the power goes off when the wind blows. The power company does this to reduce risk of fire. Goal Zero products have helped me smooth out the bumps, especially when there has actually been a fire (remember the Woolsey fire in CA?).

    Some tips-

    I have learned that anything that creates heat using electricity (cooking, hair dryer, clothes dryer, etc) severely drains a battery. Swapping out bulbs for LEDs is very helpful!

    Slowly I am retrofitting my house with better appliances and lighting. Time of use can also make a big difference...like laundry early in the day, etc.

    My conclusion is that it is totally possible to be off grid with GZ. Especially a small house with a thoughtful occupant.

    I'm looking forward to the day when I barely notice a difference between grid/off grid days.


  • Hiroshi
    Hiroshi Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    How much power will your whole house need? How long are you expecting to power it? What is essential as opposed to 'just because'?

  • Billie
    Billie Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    I'm wanting to know this as well. I'm looking to power a one bedroom one bath house and I want it to run everything. We will be completely off grid and want to live like we were connected to electric. Of course limiting usage on certain things to daytime while the sun is out. Is this possible with these systems?