Use while Charging 500X ??

Tsam Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

I am using my 500X (just purchased) to provide power to my wifi router and cable modem. The power output is 35 watts (also confirmed by other means) and power input shows 60 watts. Strangely, the battery charge level keeps dropping? Is there a point where this will stabilize?


    GOAL ZERO ADMIN Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 735 admin

    Hi @Tsam,

    Do you mean the percentage on the battery keeps dropping? If so, we suggest cycling the battery between 5-6 times. To cycle it, just allow the battery to hit about 20% without the charge plugged in. Then charge the battery to 100%. This will make sure the display recalibrates and shows the correct information.

  • Tsam
    Tsam Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Yes. The SOC was dropping. I have been watching it for a few weeks now. It will charge up to 100% while being used and charged. Then it seems to fall off to about 85% (power in and out unchanged). Then ramps back up to 100%. I will try your recommendations and see what happens. Thank you! Sorry about the delay seems my email dumped your reply into "JUNK".