Link Expansion Module LEDs flashing green then red
Hi all,
I think I have some issues with my Link since the last firmware update. My LEDs are flashing red/green, but not all 4 as described in the table
I have seen either 1 or 3 LEDs flashing. What could this mean?
Also, I have no notification in the app, which makes it very hard to spot problems since my setup is in my attic, where I don't go everyday. Hence, I am not really sure went it started.
Thanks for your insights and kind regards
Hi @Kastoof,
When the Yeti link is flashing red/green, it typically means that there is a bad connection or high impedance. We have seen this happen with one or four light, but it is uncommon to see it with three light. Even so, the rule of thumb is that when the lights flash in this way, there is more than likely a bad connection or high impedance somewhere.
So what do you do about that? Do we take apart the battery connections again? Kinda sick of this not working since the recall.
Yes, take the connections apart and reconnect them. You can also contact our customer service department with your proof of purchase for warranty verification.