Battery Recycling

I have an old Yeti 50 and 400 that it looks like some of the cells have shorted. The 50 gives about 2 minutes of charge and the 400 isn't much better. I have cycled them a couple of times and the run time hasn't gotten any better. Is there a suggested procedure for recycling these since I believe they are lead acid.

Best Answer


  • rconiv
    rconiv Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Yes, it is the 150 meant to change that but got distracted and forgot. Would need to check to see if I have to remove the batteries and drop off the rest at an electronics recycling, or if they would take the whole unit. I know some places are electronics only or batteries only.

  • Ely
    Ely Member Posts: 42 ✭✭

    Upgrade the old Yeti to an actual power station. Swap the lead acid to a LiFePo4. Fit USB-C with a car USB-C-adapter. And finally you got perfect new power stations.

    I made this with a 150 and a 400. It works perfectly, the original lead acid from my 400 last seven (!) years. Now with the LiFePo4 the 150 and 400 are awaiting the next ten years 😀