Inaccurate display of battery remaining percent?

Just acquired a GZ 3000X that was used very little and remained, for the most part apparently, fully charged for a number of months. Now, when I start applying a load to power some things I notice that the unit only very, very slowly starts to decrement the display number for battery % remaining. At the moment the unit displays SOC of 89% while the "Stored Energy" number in the app shows 2220 Wh remaining. So, 2220/3000 equals .74 so shouldn't the display show about 74%? Do I need to drain the unit completely and then recharge to fix this? FYI - I have applied the latest firmware update - 1.8.8. Thanks.


Best Answer

    GOAL ZERO ADMIN Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 735 admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @MendoMan,

    You will need to cycle the battery 6-8 times. When the unit goes several months without use, the display can fall out of calibration. Cycling the battery can help resolve this issue. To cycle the battery, discharge it down to 15% then charge it back to as high as it will let you.