What to do when an appliance asks for ground.


So I picked up a dual burner cooktop. It's 120 volt 60 HZ 1800 w 15 amp burner. I was reading the instructions before wanting to use it today and it said that it needs ground. I looked at the Goal Zero 3000x and the ground port is just plastic. So how do people use a Goal Zero with a product that needs ground? Is there a way to ground a Goal Zero that I just don't see?

Best Answer

  • jg164
    jg164 Administrator, Moderator Posts: 292 admin
    Answer ✓


    The YetiX line of portable power stations do not have a way to ground external appliances to them. This is known as a "Floating Neutral Inverter". The AC port does protect against short circuits and is designed to be safely connected to appliances without the use of ground pins.