Can I use the Fast Charge 25A PS in conjunction w/MPPT module to quickly charge ext. batteries?

kombatkid Member Posts: 3 ✭✭

Having a Y1500X with a Yeti Lithium MPPT Solar Charging Optimization Module installed, can one utilize the Yeti Fast Charge 25-Amp Power Supply and charge the Yeti Tank Expansion batteries / external AGM batteries through the High Power Port (HPP) connector on the MPPT Module?

Best Answer

  • jg164
    jg164 Administrator, Moderator Posts: 292 admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @kombatkid,

    I think this is the FAQ you are referring to

    The combination of Goal Zero products used in that setup are

    1. Yeti Power Station. In your case the Yeti 1500X
    2. Yeti Link Expansion Module connected to the Yeti Module Port.
    3. At least one Yeti Tank connected to the back of the Link.
    4. The 30-Amp External MPPT connected to the last Tank.
    5. At most, 440W of solar connected to the 30A external MPPT

    There are 3 different things with the name MPPT in them.

    1. Yeti X line Power Stations have built-in MPPT charge controllers fed when you connect solar to the HPP/8mm inputs.
    2. There is a 25A MPPT add-on module. You can only install one Add-on module at a time. You can't have the Link and MPPT add-ons connected to the Yeti's Module port both at the same time. The module Port connects right to the Lithium battery bus and bypasses the internal MPPT charge controller.
    3. And a stand alone 30-Amp External MPPT. This comes with a special connector that works with the Yeti Tank Expansion Batteries and the Tanks only connect to Yetis via the Link module.

    Chaining MPPT charge controllers in series like the 30A external MPPT on and the Expansion port MPPT module is not reccomended as each one will keep trying to adjust to each other expecting that they are solar panels.

    Does that help?


  • jg164
    jg164 Administrator, Moderator Posts: 292 admin
    edited June 2022

    Hi @kombatkid,

    The MPPT add-on module does not have a way to connect to a Yeti Tank. All power input to the MPPT module will only charge the Yeti 1500X internal Lithium battery as a second charge controller.

  • kombatkid
    kombatkid Member Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Thank you for the quick reply. I was under the impression that the MPPT module (installed in the Y1500X) could charge external batteries. This was based on the FAQ section of "How do I charge my Yeti Expansion Tanks?" Here's a snippet answer that had me believe that he MPPT module allowed charging to external batteries. "For a faster recharge on your Yeti Expansion tanks via Solar you can add the 30A External MPPT controller. This will allow you to connect more solar panels directly to your Yeti Expansion Tanks for a decreased recharge time." So, I thought if solar could charge external batteries faster with the MPPT module, why not the Yeti Fast Charge 25-Amp Power Supply, also via the HPP port. Sounds like it could handle the amperage, but needed to confirm.

  • kombatkid
    kombatkid Member Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Perfect explanation. This provides a much better picture on how to setup and maximize GZ products. Thanks again!