A/C capable

PLBR Member Posts: 2 ✭✭
edited August 2022 in HOME BACKUP SYSTEMS

I see nothing on the site or looking at the strongest unit about the whole house generators being able to run a Central Air conditioning system. Can anyone answer this? I live in hurricane ally S Florida.


  • Zion_Curtain
    Zion_Curtain Member Posts: 149 ✭✭✭


    If they had a unit that could power central air I am sure that would be front and center on the site. Their largest unit (Yeti 6000X) can output 2,000 watts continuously. If you are trying to power something that goes above 2,000 watts it will trip the 120V AC inverter on the Yeti. A central AC unit typically uses between 3,000 and 4,000 watts. Since that is over the 2,000 watts the inverter can output it would trip the port. Not sure if they are working towards a unit that can handle that load. For now you might need to look at a system like the Tesla Power Wall if you want to power larger appliances during an outage.

    Some window AC units will run off their larger Yetis, but it will drain the battery within a few hours. If you have a window AC unit rated at 1500 watts it would drain the 6000X within 4 hours. The math for the run time is shown below.

    watt hours/watt load = run time

    6000/1500 = 4 hours of run time

  • pexzor
    pexzor Member Posts: 5 ✭✭


    @Zion_Curtain Is correct. However a more fundamental issue is that your Central AC is more than likely using 240V and you will only ever get 120V out of these Yetis.

    The best you could probably do is get a small 5000BTU window AC unit that pulls less than 600W and use it to cool a small room overnight while you give your gas generator a rest. During the day you can charge it back up with the 600W charger.