Maximum HPP wattage input for Yeti 6000X?
I see partial answers on other questions, but none for the 6000x specifically. I have a 6000x and would like to max out the 600W max @ 34V as often as possible (it's charging my Nissan Leaf and works great!) So, given that you only reliably get half the spec'd wattage for solar panels on average, but sometimes closer to max (i.e. June in California, my current time/place) the question is this: is it OK to over spec the input @34V? Will GoalZero safely cap it's intake at 600W even if the HPP lead has 1k-2k watts? It sounds like the answer is "yes" given you are specing a charge time for 1200W on a 600W max? My hazy college EE class memories tell me that the amperage is the draw vs. the push, and A*V=W which I suppose would make this the case? @GOAL ZERO ADMIN ?
The max input of the 6000X's HPP input port is 50V. If you go over that limit the port permanent damage may occur. If you want more input power, adding parallel panels is the way to go for the Yeti X line because you increase current and not voltage.
You can have up to 600W of solar into the HPP port and add another 400W of solar (and more capacity with 700W charging from the Tanks) with the Link + Tanks + 30A MPPT + 3x 200W boulder kit.
Read my comments here for more info:
Sincere thanks, @jg164 -- but I'm asking a different question. Since even my set up (4x 250W panels) rarely gets up to 600W @34V, I'm wondering if I kept adding solar panels in parallel (maintaining 34V) if I could the Yeti will safely cap its input at 600W? (I.e. get close to 600W from sun up to sun down. Thoughts?
@GOAL ZERO ADMIN can you please chime in here?
The HPP port will self limit the current coming into it at a max of 600W. As long as the voltage is safe, it will hand the current by only taking what it needs.
I live in mich. Where it is cloudy moat days. If I put 700 watts on a yetti 1000x will it charge better than just 600watts or will it damage the yetti 1000x.
We get asked this often. I posted a link to an FAQ in my previous comment but will post again