first time use yeti400 lost power immediately
Lost power at home due to severe storms yesterday. Fortunately, had my new (bought 6 mos. Ago), never used yeti charged at 100%. I plugged in 2 phones for a few minutes to make sure it worked, which it did. Still at 100%. Unplugged phones so nothing was plugged into yeti. Got up this morning....60% despite nothing plugged…
Sherpa 100 ac display brightness
Hello, I am unable to read the display in normal (room) lighting conditions. Only when in the dark am I able to read the display. Is it bust or is there a brightness control function I can try? Brg Marius
Yeti Tank Expansion Battery 23100 vs. 23105 V2?
I have four original Yeti Tank Expansion Batteries (SKU 23100) connected to my Yeti 1400 Lithium Portable Power Station with WiFi. A few days ago I ordered two more Yeti Tank Expansion Batteries and when they arrived I noticed the boxes and pack list were labeled with SKU 23105, and the pack list says "V2". What is the…
Is there a way to force charging with a Flip?
I recently tried charging a Garmin watch with a Flip 24. The watch charged to about 70% then the fully charged Flip powered down. If a pressed the Flip’s button, the watch started to charge again but only for about a minute before the Flip powered down again. I assume this was due to the low power draw from the watch. I…
Power tip adaptors
Hi there. I bought the 20w solar panels to charge my cooler. But my cooler has a 6mm tip (approx). Any suggestions on adaptors from the 8mm plug to the 6mm please.
Possible to charge USB with maintainer
I have a vehicle maintainer 10 from goal zero and want to know if it's possible to use it to charge a USB device. The only plugs that came with it are related to connecting to a vehicle.
Can I get that price?
Yeti 6000 and Nomad 200 Panels
I have 3 Nomad 200's connected and input power is only registering 250-350 watts (& 11.7 V) in full sun. Shouldn't the input energy be higher? I've checked the connections and all seem to be good. Thanks
Why are my Yeti 3000X fans going off so frequently all of the sudden?
For the last three weeks, our Yeti 3000X fans have been going off very frequently. At first, I though it had to do with the firmware upgrade to 1.8. We've upgrade the firmware to 1.8 and factory reset the unit (many times) with no luck. I am out of answers and choices. (life of the battery is at 92%) Could somebody advise?
Yeti 1500X Depleting Too Quickly
I have a 230V Yeti 1500X for about 1 year. Recently I found it to deplete very quickly and shutdown unexpectedly to zero charge. My power requirement is ~95W with very little variation and the usage typically begins with a battery level of ~80%. At that point the Yeti is estimating 3~4 hrs use. However, recently after only…
Yeti 1000 and expansion tank operation
I have an expansion tank connected to a Yeti 1000 portable power station. When it’s powering a few circuits during an outage, does the output to the circuits come from the Yeti 1000 first and then the expansion tank? Or, is it the opposite sequence?
Yeti 1000 with expansion tank
When using Yeti 1000 portable power station with an expansion tank, does the output to a few circuits come from the Yeti first and then the expansion tanks or vice versa?
Has anyone installed two home integration kits with two Yetis in the same house? 8 circuits.
Simultaneous charging from bicycle dynamo
1. Will the Venture 35 work with a bicycle dynamo? 2. Can I charge my phone while I'm charging the power bank from the dynamo? 3. What power bank fits onto the back of the Nomad10? The Flip12? 4. Can the Flip 12 also be simultaneously charging from a bicycle dynamo while charging another device?
Solar Panels for Yeti500X
What are maximum number of Boulder 200 Briefcases that can be connected or should be connected to my Yeti500X?
Will using an old battery to make an extendable battery pack hurt a new battery?
So I'm looking to replace the battery in my yeti 400 and want to use the old battery to make an extended battery pack. But I want to know if linking an old battery and a new battery would cause and damage to the new battery. Thanks for any info.
Home integration
I have a Yeti 1500, what else do I need to do a home integration?
Boulder 100 Briefcases to charge an Yeti1000Lithium?
What is needed to connect a 2qty of Boulder100 Briefcases to charge an Yeti1000Lithium?
How many panels are too many for a Yeti 1500?
I have a Yeti 1500X with Nomad 100 and 50 solar panels. I am thinking of adding a Boulder 100 suitcase panel for faster charging but am concerned it might be too much. Problem is with the Nomads there are numerous days that I barely reach the minimum charge rate but I am afraid adding the Boulder 100 will put the system…
Combiner is missing cap
Hello, I just bought a second Boulder 200 solar panel. To connect it to my Yeti box, I also bought a 4X High Power Port Combiner. So far so good. But now I'm wondering what would happen in case of rain? Yes, the combiner has 4 ports, only 2 are used. I'm scared that the water would short circuit one of the two unused…
Why is it that my Yetti 3000X, sounds like when you pass by a power station?
I've noticed that when everything around is quiet, no TV, radio, when is calm and quiet, my Yetti 3000X is like humming, continuously. The only other place I've heard a similar sound is like when you pass by a power line substation. Should I ve worried? Should I take it to be serviced? Thanks for any advise on this regard.
3000X and link question.
Hello experts
Can I charge my Yeti 3000x with solar and have my tanks being charged by the Link wall power source at the same time? And, can I have BOTH wall power chargers plugged into my Yeti and Link at the same time? I'm not sure what will exceed the the 22v input limit. Thank you!
Can the HIK be used to power my rooftop solar panels? There are 20 20 amp circuits.
I recently acquired a Yeti 1000 and it won’t charge from the wall
Recently the AC power charger has quit working.
I have a Sherpa 100 AC. Recently the AC power charger quit working. As far as I can tell it is in excellent condition. I blew out the connection points in case dust or something was hampering the connection. There was no change. However, it charges fine with a usb connector - it just takes forever. Any suggestions?
Yeti 1500x 60w PD port no longer working after firmware update
Completed the firmware update and now my 60w PD usb c port is dead. anyone else having this issue? Can the firmware be rolled back?
Older Yeti 1400 with MPPT input
Lately I’ve noticed that the battery will only charge up to 80%. I tried to reset by pushing unit and input buttons for about 6 seconds. the input temporarily jumped to 240 but quickly dropped down to zero. any suggestions?
Is my Yeti 400 toast?
So my Yeti 400 has been awesome as I keep my cpap plugged into for the last couple years... our power does go out often enough, and I can't sleep without my cpap. I replaced my original charging cord to the wall outlet when it stopped charging with no indication that it was working. Replacement charging cord worked great…
Best way to connect a Yeti 1400 with a Boulder 200 and a Ranger 300?
I have a Yeti 1400 Lithium with the Solar Optimizer module installed and recently purchased a Ranger 300 to supplement a Boulder 200 I bought a while back. I'm taking the whole rig out to the desert and I want to hook everything up so that I get the best efficiency in collecting energy - any thoughts on the best cable…