Yeti Pro 4000 Nominal Voltage
So, I had an incident recently where, after sitting unused for a few days my Yeti 4000 started beeping with the CHGMONERR warning. There was also an alert telling me there was a battery fault. The only way I could get the unit to power on was to plug the AC charging cable into the back of the unit. Even with it plugged in…
USB C PD output doesn't work with "Custom" charge profile
The USB C PD output on my 1500x would cease to work intermittently. So I read on the forum here that rebooting could fix that. It did. But I subsequently noticed that the USB C PD port would turn off when I used a "custom" charge profile. (The charge profile reverts to "Performance" when the unit is rebooted.) Why can I…
Yeti 300 Firmware Update Not Completing
I have a similar issue to what seems to have been resolved for other models in the thread below. I bought it brand new several months ago and have tried everything including putting it on different internets / hotspots / etc but eventually gave up. I recently had to use it again during a power outage and tried again in…
Battery Charge Percentage and Stored Energy don't match
I have a Goal Zero 1500X. It is updated to the latest firmware (1.8.9). When I look at the app, the charge percentage (%) and charge remaining (Wh) values don't seem to match. I am currently seeing 76% state of charge, but only 990/1500Wh (66%). Why does this happen and is there a way to make it accurate?
What in the malfunction is this
This lantern light is a good product, produces good light and can be very handy and utilized in many scenarios. HOWEVER there is absolutely no turning this thing off!! Like what's up with that ??? So annoying and I read so many people with exact same issue. it wont turn off and super dissapointing and annoying. Completley…
Can 4 kWh Haven Home Backup Kit support 240v well pump?
I'm looking at getting the 4 kWh Haven Home Backup Kit however my primary reason for this is so power our well pump which uses a 240v (2 breakers) on our existing panel. I see in the picture of the Haven 10 the first two breakers support 240v, however all of the information I've been able to find so far don't support that…
AC port has no power
Hi! Bought a 3rd hand van with a Yeti 3000X (no receipt or warranty). Worked a charm the last 6 months but suddenly the AC outlet has no power. I've tried all the resets to no avail. There are no errors or loud beeps, the only thing I have noticed which may or may not be new is when I press the AC button above the port…
how do I see if my 3000x is fried
My unit just clipped out instantly with normal loading onit. The alternator auto unit still said bank full but all other lights are out. None of the normal resets work including disconnecting the battery and power. Anybody have any ideas or know a real person who can fix it instead of a 17 year old girl in customer service.
Mounting Ranger 300 Panel on a Shed Wall
I have a storage shed that is perfectly aligned with the sun's movement during the day. Has anyone attached (temporarily) a Ranger 300 panel to a wall? Any suggestions on how to hold the panel off the ground and "hooked" onto a wall would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Yeti 300/500/700 in Europe?
When are these power stations available in Europe?
Solar Passthrough on the Yeti Pro 4000
I was wondering how solar should behave on the Yeti Pro 4000. I have my charge profile set to Balanced. Currently the Yeti is at 95% so it's above the 90% recharge point. I have solar going into the unit. If I put an AC load it will pull from the battery despite there being adequate solar that could passthrough to power…
Yeti 500X to charge Macbook Pro 16''
When using USB-C PD to charge a Macbook Pro 16'' the charge does not work, but only the Macbook rings continuously. Also, the Yeti's display shows 0 W from Output. Is this particular unit wrong? I purchased 2 of them and they acted the same. In the advertised video here…
8mm plug sticking and resulting hack
I just had a warranty replacement on a boulder 100w suitcase that wasn’t working right. My suspicion (not confirmed) was the cord at the 8mm plug. I was never able to separate the plugs with reasonable force and several times had to resort to pulling apart by the cords, I suspect this degraded the wires. Maybe it was the…
Yet 1400 (original) - Fastest Way To Charge using all inputs (mppt included)?
I was trying to read old emails (from support), the manual and the stickers on the lid/MPPT controller about how the charge process works on this original 1400, I found myself getting a little confused. So, I will ask here in the hopes someone can re-direct me to the correct FAQ (tried this, failed miserably) or give me…
Venture 35 impossible to recharge itself
Hey, the first blue indicator light is always on and it's not possible to recharge the venture .
Hot Temperature Always On & Fan Kicks In
Hi, I have a 3000x Yeti always plugged into the wall inside of my house and the last week the High Hot Temperature icon is always on the display, even without any device connected. Also the fan starts when I press any of the button of the unit and stays on for a long time. The temperature inside the house is cool, so I…
Venture 35 not charging
Trying to charge my Venture 35 and it has 2 blinking lights and will not charge. Can't remember how to reset. Suggestions?
Venture 35 with Nomad 10
I have a new Venture 35 and Nomad 10 that I hope to take to the Grand Canyon in a few weeks. I initially charged the Venture 35 fully and then discharged it. Recharging it with the Nomad 10 has been unsuccessful. It has been in full sun for over 12 hours and the lights dont even register any charge. Am I missing something?
Yeti Expansion Link - Blue & Green Lights Flash Simultaneously
I recently received a new Yeti Expansion Link and installed it into my Yeti 3000x. During normal operation the blue light will flash indicating it's charging and will have one green light on solid indicating 25% charge on expansion tank. Additionally, the Yeti will show that it has an input of various watts. However, I…
1000x charge rate
I just bought a 1000x. It charges at 118 watts when plugged into ac outlet. If I hook up the car charger or solar panels it doesn't go beyond that Should it?
New Yeti link charging when van is off
I recently had the updated Yeti Link installed to charge my GoalZero 3000x off of the alternator when running. When I turn on the switch that connects the Link to the alternator it begins charging with the van not running. Total input starts at about 7-800 watts and then dials back it will fluctuate back and forth from…
Vehicle Integration - Link vs Escape Drivable Kit?
Hello, Planning a van buildout and want to have a GoalZero product as the electrical hub. It appears the "Yeti Pro Escape Drivable Kit" is being pushed as the best way to integrate into a van build, but looks to have some major drawbacks as compared to buying a 3000x + the "Link Vehicle Integration Kit". Is the escape…
Escape Drivable Kit HPP+ Connector
Hey folks…. I installed a GZ Yeti Pro 4000 in my van build — and used the Escape Drivable Kit to connect the 30A Anderson to the 12V circuit of the van, and the HPP+ to the rooftop solar. The connectors provided in the kit with the pigtails have 90deg connectors - so when plugged in to the back of the Yeti, the wires are…
What Percentage Of Power Is Optimal For Recharging Yeti 1000X
I bought a Yeti 1000X to keep my desktop computer permanently hooked to it due to frequent power outages. This is my first unit and I'm new to using power supplies. Right now, I am using the AC to charge the unit because I live in the far north and sun is going down for a couple months. I haven't found anything in the…
Battery reliability for 3000X and tanks?
I am considering installing a home backup system using a 3000X with a couple of tanks and possibly solar panels. My question concerns the battery life of the 3000 x and the tanks. Is there a way to replace the lithium batteries when they eventually die? I know it has a 2-year warranty, but in order to be cost-effective,…
Yeti 1250 - which current Solar panels
hi I have a yeti 1250 power station legacy and I was looking at the boulder 100 but they’re not available. Can I use a boulder 100i? not sure what the “I” designation is. If not, what solar panels that are currently offered by gold zero can I use for this power station?
possible misprint? ESCAPE wiring kit install guide.
Hello. On page 21 of the install guide there is a caption underneath an image that points to the 30A AC OUTPUT plug. The caption below the image says "You can plug your solar directly into this port. This is also the port where you will plug in the Escape Remote Display HPP+ Power and Data Adapter (Signal Splitter) to…
Product idea(s)
Just bought my first two Light a Lifes and had this idea pop in my head: Light A Life, but with an integrated PIR (Passive Infrared) sensor, so that walking near the device triggers it "on" -- aka turns it into an inexpensive motion sensor + flood light. Perhaps it also has a "nightlight" setting where it starts out on a…
Yeti 1250 30Amp Output?
We have a whole home Generac system, but there are times we really don't want to run it at night, or even all day unless it's extremely hot or cold. I have had my Yeti 1250 for many years and it has saved us from powerless situations more than once even as recently as last week when I had to pull the fridge out to plug…
Car Charger for the Yeti 700
Is this the correct 12V car charger for the Yeti 700? https://www.goalzero.com/collections/vehicle-accessories/products/yeti-12v-car-charging-cable